Week 11/12 Project Update (Numbering has collapsed)

TANDEM Project Update 4.26.15 WEEK 12 TANDEM PROJECT UPDATE: This has been a week of accelerated achievement on all fronts for TANDEM. Thanks to Steve, we have a working MVP hosted on www.dhtandem.com/tandem. Further, we have also made huge strides on the front end with Kelly’s robust initial set of HTML/CSS pages for the site. While the two ends are not tied together just yet, they are within sight as of this weekend. Jojo continues to surprise the group with her intuitive mix ... Read more

Week 10 Project Update

TANDEM Project Update 4.19.15 Leave a reply PROJECT: DEVELOPMENT: Steve continues to power away like some sort of half-man, half-robot, mostly magic developer. As of today, we have successfully incorporated a single-file upload functionality to our Django app. Our next action items include: Testing the new upload functionality on the server Implementing multi-file upload and testing on local hosts and our server Hooking up the necessary analytics engine to our Django configuration Adding validation and error checking UI/UX: With the technical side of the interactivity mapped, we are working on the mockups for the ... Read more
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